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Koji CMS odabrati za izradu web stranica? Kako se putem web stranice predstaviti krajnjem korisniku na internetu? Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal ili nekakav custom code?
Ako planirate izraditi web stranice svoje tvrtke, a niste u mogućnosti platiti specijaliziranoj tvrtki da vam izradi profesionalnu web stranicu, pitate se koji gotovi sustav za upravljanje sadržajem ( CMS ) je najbolji izbor za vas.
Evo jedna mala usporedba tri najčešće korištenih CMS sustava: Joomla, Wordpress, Drupal. Sva tri su open- source software, a svaki od tih CMS sustava razvijen je i održavan od strane zajednice / community.Sa svim tim sustavima, osnovne funkcije mogu biti nadopunjavane sa dodacima, koji mogu biti plaćeni ili besplatni, a napravljeni su od strane individualnih korisnika ili tvrki.
Ipak, koji odabrati?
To prvenstveno ovisi o vašim ciljevima , tehničkoj i informatičkoj stručnost, budžetu i o projektu za koji planirate napraviti stranicu.
-Za jednostavnu web stranicu, Wordpress može biti dobar izbor. Htio bi napomenuti da sa Wordpressom možete imati najviše problema.
-Za složenije, stranice koje zahtijevaju stabilnost i složenu organizaciju sadržaja, Drupal može biti dobarizbor.
-Joomla je najbolje rješenje za izradu web stranica koje zahtijevaju sigurnost, stabilnost i složenost. Joomla nudi brojne mogučnosti i funkcionalnosti koje vam omogućuju da kreirate web stranice po vašoj mjeri i potrebama.
Odmah bi htio napomenuti da niti jedan od navedenih sustava nema mogućnost samo-konfiguriracije ili da sam popravi nastale greške!!!
Ali, naravno, uvijek postoji ALI. Svaki software, pa tako i ovaj ima svoje probleme, bug-ove, i kada naletite na njih, bez nekog tehničkog znanja teško ćete ga moći riješiti.
Svaki od tih sustava ima razvijenu zajednicu korisnika te možete probati riješiti problem preko njihove korisničke podrške ili putem nekog drugih online sustava, foruma i slično. Međutim, što ako odgovor ne stigne na vrijeme ili uopće ne stigne, a korisnik je došao na Vašu stranicu i ne može poslovati sa vama, jer stranica ne radi. Naravno, jedan problem se vezuje na drugi, a jedini koji snosi troškove ste Vi.
Iz tog razloga moja preporuka je korisiti CMS samostalno za zabavu, ali ako mislite putem CMS-a razvijati posao, ipak to prepustite profesionalcima.
Ako ste se ipak odlučili za samostalnu izradu stranice, evo jedna mala usporedba:
Drupal |
Joomla |
Wordpress |
Homepage | | | |
About | Drupal is a powerful, developer-friendly tool for building complex sites. Like most powerful tools, it requires some expertise and experience to operate. |
Joomla offers middle ground between the developer-oriented, extensive capabilities of Drupal and user-friendly but more complex site development options than Wordpress offers. |
Wordpress began as an innovative, easy-to-use blogging platform. With an ever-increasing repertoire of themes, plugins and widgets, this CMS is widely used for other website formats also. |
Example Sites |
Community Portal: Fast Company, Team Sugar |
Social Networking: MTV Networks Quizilla Education: Harvard University Restaurant: IHOP |
Social Networking: PlayStation Blog News Publishing: CNN Political Ticker Education/Research: NASA Ames Research Center News Publishing:The New York Observer |
Installation | Drupal Installation Forum | Joomla Installation Forum | Wordpress Installation Forum |
Ease of Use |
Drupal requires the most technical expertise of the three CMSs. However, it also is capable of producing the most advanced sites. With each release, it is becoming easier to use. If you’re unable to commit to learning the software or can’t hire someone who knows it, it may not be the best choice. |
Less complex than Drupal, more complex than Wordpress. Relatively uncomplicated installation and setup. With a relatively small investment of effort into understanding Joomla’s structure and terminology, you have the ability to create fairly complex sites. |
Technical experience is not necessary; it’s intuitive and easy to get a simple site set up quickly. It’s easy to paste text from a Microsoft Word document into a Wordpress site, but not into Joomla and Drupal sites. |
Features | Known for its powerful taxonomy and ability to tag, categorize and organize complex content. | Designed to perform as a community platform, with strong social networking features. |
Ease of use is a key benefit for experts and novices alike. It’s powerful enough for web developers or designers to efficiently build sites for clients; then, with minimal instruction, clients can take over the site management. Known for an extensive selection of themes. Very user-friendly with great support and tutorials, making it great for non-technical users to quickly deploy fairly simple sites. |
Caching Plug-ins | Pressflow: This is a downloadable version of Drupal that comes bundled with popular enhancements in key areas, including performance and scalability. |
JotCache offers page caching in the Joomla 1.5 search framework, resulting in fast page downloads. Also provides control over what content is cached and what is not. In addition, page caching is supported by the System Cache Plugin that comes with Joomla. |
WP-SuperCache: The Super Cache plugin optimizes performance by generating static html files from database-driven content for faster load times. |
Best Use Cases | For complex, advanced and versatile sites; for sites that require complex data organization; for community platform sites with multiple users; for online stores |
Joomla allows you to build a site with more content and structure flexibility than Wordpress offers, but still with fairly easy, intuitive usage. Supports E-commerce, social networking and more. |
Ideal for fairly simple web sites, such as everyday blogging and news sites; and anyone looking for an easy-to-manage site. Add-ons make it easy to expand the functionality of the site. |